
Our dynamic, hands-on workshops provide concrete, practical strategies. During each workshop, our coaches model the strategies being taught. All co-teaching workshops are co-taught. Each workshop is fun, interactive and engaging, with differentiated approaches to learning. Participants have the opportunity to plan how they will apply the strategies they learned to their classroom, content area and/or team. 

For Districts and Buildings

Inclusion 101

1 to 2 hour presentation that explores the principles and best practices of inclusion

Learning outcomes:

  • Ethical, societal and philosophic issues of inclusion – seeing the big picture
  • Historical and legal perspective of inclusive education
  • Inclusive education best practices

For Administrators

Every admin is receiving the same training as the teachers which can help unify our vision and push our culture to shift to see more small group teaching models both in ICT settings as well as in other settings.

- M. Hansen- Hauppauge

Administrators’ Introductory Workshop

Half to full day workshop to overview concepts taught to district staff.

Learning outcomes:

  • Best practices of inclusive education, co-teaching and/or differentiated instruction
  • Deeper understanding of the professional development provided to your staff
  • Establishing collaborative practices among professional developers and administrators
  • Concrete, specific guide for administrators to support teachers as they learn to co-teach effectively
  • Creating cultural shift for the school or district

I loved that the co-teaching models were actually utilized throughout the presentation to deliver the instruction--like the saying goes- "Practice what you preach!"

– L Biscardi- Shoreham-Wading River

Administrators’ Refresh

half to full day workshop to review previous work and address the focus(es) for the current year.

Learning outcomes:

  • Review of content taught in previous year(s)
  • Evaluation of best practices
  • Action planning implementation of best practices not yet achieved
  • Introduction of new PD topics based on district direction (see content options below)

“Your workshop yesterday was absolutely fantastic! I’ve been teaching for 30 years, yet I stilled learned so much!”

– Lisa Greenwald, Manhasset

For Teachers

Building Partnership

half or full day workshop for K-12 co-teaching pairs focusing exclusively on their professional relationship

Learning outcomes:

  • Tackle the important questions of partnership through fun differentiated activities
  • Create a plan together to address your similarities and differences
  • Concrete practice strategies to strengthen your partnership

I think this content is so relevant to my new role as a co-teacher. I loved seeing the strategies and models first hand.

– Erin Caufield, teacher, Half Hollow Hills

Introduction to Co-teaching: Practice and Partnership

1-2 day workshop for K-12 co-teaching teams that teaches the principles, practices, and problem solving tools and strategies of co-teaching

Learning outcomes:

  • An in-depth study of the six co-teaching models
  • Learning tiered by length of time with co-teaching partner
  • Explore and problem-solve concrete teaming issues necessary for successful co-teaching
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Concrete tools for planning and implementation
  • If two days, includes Building Partnership
  • Each participant leaves with a self-directed action plan to implement specific strategies learned

Can’t wait to try the strategies!

– Yadigar Saglam, elementary teacher, South Huntington School District

Co-Teaching: Taking It To The Next Level

1-2 day workshop for K-12 co-teaching teams who have worked together for a year or more and have received the introductory training.

Learning outcomes:

  • Deepening and strengthening of co-teaching relationship
  • How to expand your roles and practice
  • Evaluation of current practice with partner
  • Setting goals for the implementation of new skills and strategies
  • Each team leaves with a self-direction concrete action plan

I loved how the presenters modeled everything we should be doing. They were very engaging and kept things moving. I loved the planning time!

– Lauren Yonce, elementary teacher, South Huntington School District

Co-Teaching: Deeping Your Practice

1-2 day workshop for teams K-12 who have worked together for 3 years or more and have mastered the material in the introductory training.

Learning outcomes:

  • Deepening and strengthening of co-teaching relationship
  • Evaluation of current practice with partner
  • Implementing creative variations of the Friend Co-Teaching models
  • Creating in depth lessons incorporating the co-teaching models, differentiated instruction, individualizations and modifications into
  • Setting goals for the implementation of new skills and strategies
  • Each team leaves with a self-direction concrete action plan

Differentiated Instruction: Ideas And Practical Applications

1-2 days.

Learning outcomes:

  • Principles and practice of Differentiated Instruction
  • Components that comprise Differentiated Instruction
  • Concrete strategies to differentiate content, process and product
  • Multiple flexible and varied grouping strategies
  • Gradual release of responsibility
  • Each participant leaves with a self-directed action plan to implement specific strategies learned

DI, Individualizations and Modifications

1 day workshop providing concrete strategies for creating lessons, materials and activities to address individual needs

Learning outcomes:

  • Understanding of the difference amongst differentiated instruction, individualizing to make an activity accessible to a student and modifying the curriculum
  • Structural hierarchy of curriculum modifications
  • Create materials for specific students
  • Tools to meet individualized needs including planning tiered activities
  • How to embed IEP goals into general education lessons
  • Each participant leaves with a self-directed action plan to implement specific strategies learned

Unpacking Standards and Analyzing Pre-Requisite Skills

Learning outcomes:

  • Deconstruct standards – what do students need to know, understand and do
  • Dissect the skills needed to reach that standard
  • Plan instruction based on those skill

Explicit Instruction

1 day workshop that teaches the sequence of explicit instruction.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understanding of the sequence of explicit instruction
  • Identifying the component strategies of each step and the necessity to use all steps for struggling learners
  • If for co-teachers, to apply explicit instruction to planning in co-taught classrooms

Neurodiversity in the Classroom

1 day workshop for K-12 teachers

Learning outcomes:

  • Know and understand the basics of the neurodiversity affirming movement
  • Understanding how sensory systems impact students in the classroom
  • Concrete practical classroom strategies to support students with the range of neurotypes

Facilitating Peer Interaction

1 day workshop for elementary staff that teaches how to implement social IEP goals while creating positive, meaningful social interactions between peers with and without disabilities.

Learning outcomes:

  • Concrete strategies to teach social skills in the context of the daily life of the classroom
  • Teaching adults the necessary skills to support social relationships without becoming the interaction partner

LCSS Institute

We will craft a 3-to-5-day program incorporating any of the above topics to meet your district’s needs and goals.

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